Journal Articles Under Review
20. Diana, Z.T., McGee, S., Chinglenthoiba, C., Valiyaveettil, S., Tebben, J., Harder, T., Rittschof, D. Under review. Plastic leachates stimulate feeding responses in sea anemones. Environmental Science & Technology.
19. De Frond, H. Baechler, B., Debreceni, S., Diana, Z., Fox, R., Gutierrez, R. Leonard, G., Mallos, N. Sherlock, C., Weller, S., and Rochman, C.M. Under review. Cleanups are an important part of the solution to global plastic pollution. One Earth.
Journal Articles View PDFs
18. Diana, Z.T., Chen, Y., Rochman, C.M., 2025. Paint: a ubiquitous yet disregarded piece of the microplastics puzzle. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 44, 26–44.
17. Diana, Z.T., Rochman, C.M., Mallos, N., 2024. UN plastic pollution treaty must not ignore the scourge of microplastics. Nature 634, 545–545.
16. Griffin, M.D., Diana, Z.T., Karasik, R., Dunphy-Daly, M.M., 2024. Do plastic clean-up technologies work? What research does (and doesn’t) tell us. Marine Pollution Bulletin 209, 116978.
15. Chowdhury, G.W., Koldewey, H.J., Niloy, Md.N.H., Khan, M.M.R., Das, N., Patel, S., Nishat, B., Diana, Z.T., Tsydenova, N., Sarker, S., 2024. Discarded fishing net pollution in coastal areas of Bangladesh. Science of The Total Environment 175529.
14. Vincoff, S., Schleupner, B., Santos, J., Morrison, M., Zhang, N., Dunphy-Daly, M.M., Eward, W.C., Armstrong, A.J., Diana, Z., and Somarelli, J., In press. Toxicogenomic analysis of the carcinogenic potential of plastic additives. Environmental Science & Technology.
13. Diana, Z.T., Virdin, J., Nowlin, M.B., Jayasundara, N., Rittschof, D., 2024. Transdisciplinary doctoral training to address global sustainability challenges. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 3, e0000091.
12. Falk-Andersson, J., Rognerud, I., De Frond, H., Leone, G., Karasik, R., Diana, Z., Dijkstra, H., Ammendolia, J., Eriksen, M., Utz, R., Walker, T.R., Fürst, K., 2023. Cleaning Up without Messing Up: Maximizing the Benefits of Plastic Clean-Up Technologies through New Regulatory Approaches. Environmental Science & Technology acs.est.3c01885.
See media coverage of this research by Science Norway, Der Spiegel, and the International Knowledge Hub Against Plastic Pollution.
11. Diana, Z., Virdin, J., Valiyaveettil, S., Li, H.-X., Rittschof, D., 2023. Editorial: Emerging challenges and solutions for plastic pollution. Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1162680.
10. Diana, Z., Reilly, K., Karasik, R., Vegh, T., Wang, Y., Wong, Z., Dunn, L., Blasiak, R., Dunphy-Daly, M.M., Rittschof, D., Vermeer, D., Pickle, A., Virdin, J., 2022. Voluntary commitments made by the world’s largest companies focus on recycling and packaging over other actions to address the plastics crisis. One Earth 5, 1286–1306.
See media coverage of this research by The Hill, Popular Science, and 46 others news platforms.
9. Diana, Z., Karasik, R., Merrill, G.B., Morrison, M., Corcoran, K.A., Vermeer, D., Hepler-Smith, E., Jayasundara, N., Pare, J., Virdin, J., Eward, W.C., Somarelli, J.A., Dunphy-Daly, M.M., Rittschof, D., 2022. A transdisciplinary approach to reducing global plastic pollution. Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 1032381.
8. Amon, D., Metaxas, A., Stentiford, G., Escovar-Fadul, X., Walker, T.R., Diana, Z., Karathanasi, F., Voyer, M., Hemery, L., 2022. Blue economy for a sustainable future. One Earth 5, 960–963.
7. Diana, Z., Vegh, T., Karasik, R., Bering, J., D. Llano Caldas, J., Pickle, A., Rittschof, D., Lau, W., Virdin, J., 2022. The evolving global plastics policy landscape: An inventory and effectiveness review. Environmental Science & Policy 134, 34–45.
6. Ward, C.S.,* Diana, Z.,* Ke, K.M., Orihuela, B., Schultz, T.P., Rittschof, D., 2022. Microbiome Development of seawater-incubated pre-production plastic pellets reveals distinct and predictive community compositions. Frontiers in Marine Science 8.
5. Fuirst, M., Ward, C.S., Schwaner, C., Diana, Z., Schultz, T.F., Rittschof, D., 2021. Compositional and functional microbiome variation between tubes of an intertidal polychaete and surrounding marine sediment. Frontiers in Marine Science 8.
4. Schmaltz, E.*, Melvin, E.C.*, Diana, Z.* Gunady, E.F., Rittschof, D., Somarelli, J.A., Virdin, J., Dunphy-Daly, M.M., 2020. Plastic pollution solutions: emerging technologies to prevent and collect marine plastic pollution. Environment International 144, 106067.
See media coverage of this research by The Guardian, Discover Magazine, and
3. Diana, Z., Sawickij, N., Rivera, N.A., Hsu-Kim, H., Rittschof, D., 2020. Plastic pellets trigger feeding responses in sea anemones. Aquatic Toxicology 222, 105447.
See media coverage of this research by UNC TV.
2. Turner, P.J., Ball, B., Diana, Z., Fariñas-Bermejo, A., Grace, I., McVeigh, D., Powers, M.M., Van Audenhaege, L., Maslakova, S., Young, C.M., Van Dover, C.L., 2020. Methane seeps on the US Atlantic margin and their potential importance to populations of the commercially valuable deep-sea red crab, Chaceon quinquedens. Frontiers in Marine Science 7.
1. So, C.R., Scancella, J.M., Fears, K.P., Essock-Burns, T., Haynes, S.E., Leary, D.H., Diana, Z., Wang, C., North, S., Oh, C.S., Wang, Z., Orihuela, B., Rittschof, D., Spillmann, C.M., Wahl, K.J., 2017. Oxidase activity of the barnacle adhesive interface involves peroxide-dependent catechol oxidase and lysyl oxidase enzymes. ACS Applied Material Interfaces 9, 11493–11505.
*Designates co-first authorship.
An underline indicates students whom I mentored or co-mentored.
Policy and Technical Reports
4. OECD (2023), OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: United States 2023, OECD Environmental Performance Reviews, OECD Publishing, Paris,
3. Patil, P.G., Stankevich, N., Tsydenova, N., Diana, Z.T., 2023. Plastic Waste in Road Construction - A Path Worth Paving? : Application of Dry Process in South Asia (English). Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group.
2. Karasik, R., Bering, J. Griffin, M., Diana, Z., Laspada, C., Schachter, J. et al. 2022. Annual Trends in Plastic Policy: A Brief. NI PB 22-01. Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.
1. Karasik, R.,* Vegh, T.,* Diana, Z.,* Bering, J., Caldas, J., Pickle, A., Rittschof, D., Virdin, J., 2020. 20 Years of Government Responses to the Global Plastic Pollution Problem. No. NI R 20-05. Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.
*Designates co-first authorship.
Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions
Rachel Karasik*, Tibor Vegh*, Zoie Diana*, Janet Bering, Juan Caldas, Amy Pickle, Daniel Rittschof, and John Virdin
*Designates co-first authorship